Saturday, March 13, 2010

Introducing our Editors, CAIP Research Series

Cheryl McLean MA from London, Ontario is an independent scholar and educator and Founder, Publisher and Executive Editor of The International Journal of The Creative Arts in Interdisciplinary Practice IJCAIP and Editor of The CAIP Research Series and books,"Creative Arts in Interdisciplinary Practice Inquiries for Hope and Change" (2010) and "Creative Arts in Research for Community and Cultural Change" (2011) Associate Editor, Dr. Robert Kelly, University of Calgary, Published by Detselig Enterprises Inc., Calgary, Alberta).  She is currently editing a third book, "Creative Arts in Humane Medicine" for release 2013, Brush Publishing.

Complete bio  at Cheryl McLean's website

Associate Editor

Robert K
elly Ph.D., Associate Editor CAIP Research series is an artist and educator as well as an author writing about creativity processes in action. Robert Kelly is an associate professor in the Faculty of Fine Arts, and an adjunct associate professor in the Faculty of Education at the University of Calgary where he teaches creativity theory and practice, studio art and curriculum theory and design.  .Visit Robert Kelly's website