Thursday, March 25, 2010

Announcing the 2nd text in the CAIP Research Series, Creative Arts in Research for Community and Cultural Change, About the Book

Photo by © C. McLean

Creative Arts in Research for Community and Cultural Change

Visit our Blog for News on this book

Press Release

September 8, 2010

With the successful release of the inaugural text in the CAIP Research Series, Creative Arts in Interdisciplinary Practice for Hope and Change, The International Journal of the Creative Arts in Interdisciplinary Practice is actively engaged in creating the 2nd text in the series, Creative Arts in Research for Community and Cultural Change, Editor Cheryl McLean, Publisher, International Journal of The Creative Arts in Interdisciplinary Practice, IJCAIP and Associate Editor Dr. Robert Kelly, Associate Professor, Faculty of Fine Art, University of Calgary. This ambitious publishing project has been launched by The International Journal of The Creative Arts in Interdisciplinary Practice and is the second text in the groundbreaking Creative Arts in Interdisciplinary Practice (CAIP) Research Series to be published by Detselig Temeron Press.

Building on the fundamentals of Book 1, the inaugural text, Creative Arts in Interdisciplinary Practice, Inquiries for Hope and Change, Book 2 in the CAIP Research Series, Creative Arts in Research for Community and Cultural Change, features informative and thought provoking articles describing applications of the creative arts in research within neighborhoods, villages and cities integrated in distinctive ways to help investigate, explore, articulate and communicate research findings while working actively within and beyond borders to foster change. In this action oriented collection, creative arts and community based, participatory approaches are featured as well as other methodologies. Taking a global perspective, the book explores creative arts in interdisciplinary practice for cultural and community change through hands on illustrative accounts, for example, the creative arts in research fostering peace and bridging communities, creative arts in research and action in community practice in addiction work, creative arts in research exploring issues of migration and racism, arts for community change addressing environmental issues, creative arts and its role in cultural change as well as discussing applications of the creative arts in many forms in practice in communities addressing critical health issues for improved quality of life.
Articles raise questions and mobilize by example pointing to alternative forms of discovery and resolution through community action that challenges stereotypes of race, gender and identity. At a time of desperate need and ongoing unrest internationally, this important contemporary research text is a valuable source of information as well as a call for creative new approaches in contemporary research leading to meaningful action. Creative Arts for Community and Cultural Change provides first hand insights into evolving processes unique to the creative arts in research and interdisciplinary practice as well as a wealth of information and examples for in class review and highly relevant in-depth dialogue and debate.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Raging Asian Women, Expressing Feelings Through Taiko Drumming

Raging Asian Women will be performing tonight at the OISE Auditorium, University of Toronto at the Social Workers Got Talent Fundraising event for Zanmi Lasante a Haitian organization that was founded in 1983 by a group of doctors and community organizers who believe that the poor deserve no less than the best medical treatment and medications available. Understanding that the root causes of poor health lie in the structural violence of poverty, Zanmi Lasante offers comprehensive social and medical support to its patients, providing them not only with health care, but also with access to potable water, adequate food and housing, schooling, and economic opportunities

I was pleased to see that the Taiko drumming group Raging Asian Women will also be featured at this fundraising event. Isumi Sakamoto, Social Work, University of Toronto, is a member of RAW and FYI she is also a contributor to the inaugural book in the CAIP, (Creative Arts in Interdisciplinary Practice) Research Series, "Creative Arts in Interdisciplinary Practice, Inquiries for Hope and Change".

Social Workers Got Talent

TIME: 7pm-9:30pm

The suggested donation is $10.
Proceeds go to solidarity efforts with people of
Haiti, through Zanmi Lasante.
For more information about Zanmi Lasante, please
visit this website:

If you have any questions
please feel free to contact Elizabeth at elizabeth., Mutamba at rainosm@

Info about Raging Asian Women:

We hope you enjoy this Youtube video clip by Rick Miller with commentaries from the RAW group members.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Introducing our Editors, CAIP Research Series

Cheryl McLean MA from London, Ontario is an independent scholar and educator and Founder, Publisher and Executive Editor of The International Journal of The Creative Arts in Interdisciplinary Practice IJCAIP and Editor of The CAIP Research Series and books,"Creative Arts in Interdisciplinary Practice Inquiries for Hope and Change" (2010) and "Creative Arts in Research for Community and Cultural Change" (2011) Associate Editor, Dr. Robert Kelly, University of Calgary, Published by Detselig Enterprises Inc., Calgary, Alberta).  She is currently editing a third book, "Creative Arts in Humane Medicine" for release 2013, Brush Publishing.

Complete bio  at Cheryl McLean's website

Associate Editor

Robert K
elly Ph.D., Associate Editor CAIP Research series is an artist and educator as well as an author writing about creativity processes in action. Robert Kelly is an associate professor in the Faculty of Fine Arts, and an adjunct associate professor in the Faculty of Education at the University of Calgary where he teaches creativity theory and practice, studio art and curriculum theory and design.  .Visit Robert Kelly's website

I would like to share with you news about the book Cinderella Story by James Haywood Rolling Jr. published by Alta Mira Press.

From a post at Graeme Sullivan's Blog, Art Practice as Research:

"Cinderella Story argues that a poststructural and unexpected identity can be created from the charred embers of self-imagery strewn about an ash heap of stereotypes—reinterpreted atop a pyre of modern identity constructs, authoritative stories, and assigned names. Consequentially, a Cinderella ending is not the end of a story; rather, it is the inauguration of a new ever after. While this new book contributes to the canon of African American Studies literature, it will not present yet another dubious narrative of the pathology of being Black in America. In fact, the story of being Black in America has always been a story of transformation; as such, this book may be considered a Cinderella Story and is so titled. The variations of the story of being Black in America are too profuse to be contained within the oversimplified and fictive contemporary signifier known as race. And that is the point of this writing. African Americans are more than we are expected to be, more than racial definition allows—an ongoing reinterpretation of injurious social constructs. Cinderella Story is an arts-based inquiry—the outcome of a methodology that researches contemporary visual and popular cultural markers in search of a story still under construction—as well as an inquiry that depicts identity as a continuing work of art, and the arts as a continuing work of collective identity."

Both Graeme Sullivan and Norman K. Denzin have endorsed the book.

The superb cover art is also by James Haywood Rolling Jr.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Get the News First, Alert List for CAIP Series

We are compiling a special alert list for educators and others who want to be among the first to know when the text, "Creative Arts in Interdisciplinary Practice, Inquiries for Hope and Change" is available for ordering. The text is scheduled for release July 2010. This research text will be of special interest to qualitative researchers, adult educators, nurse educators, physicians, healthcare educators (medical education/nursing/pathology, other) health administrators and those active in health promotion and health policy, aging studies, educators in Social Work and Dietetics, Peace/Cultural Studies, Fine Arts, Drama/Performance based research, Sociology, Women's Studies, Disability Studies, Counselling, Medical Humanities, Art Therapies, Counselling and other related well as curators, university librarians and the general public and those who have special interest in illustrative stories about the arts in research,action and practice for social change.

For information or to request to be on the new book alert list contact us at with "book" in the subject line.

FYI you can also subscribe free to IJCAIP, The International Journal of the Creative Arts in Interdisciplinary Practice with an email to "please subscribe"..
by subscribing to IJCAIP you'll have access to our journal issues and archive at the IJCAIP website and you'll be advised directly by email about our calls for papers for journals and books.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Update New Book, Creative Arts in Research For Community and Cultural Change

A note from Cheryl McLean, Editor, CAIP, Creative Arts in Interdisciplinary Practice, Research Series

We would like to thank those of you who have sent us abstracts for the second text in the Creative Arts in Interdisciplinary Practice (CAIP) Research Series, “Creative Arts in Research for Community and Cultural Change” Editor, C. McLean (Publisher IJCAIP Journal), Associate Editor, R. Kelly (Faculty of Fine Art, University of Calgary), Publisher Detselig/Temeron Press.

The final deadline for abstract submissions for the second text in the CAIP Series, "Creative Arts in Research for Community and Cultural Change" is March 20 and, once again, we have had an overwhelming response to our call for abstracts for this groundbreaking contemporary research series. See submission information

When we have had an opportunity to review all abstract submissions we will be in touch with selected authors for full paper submissions by email. We hope to complete this process by the end of April. Detailed information will be provided for those who will be submitting full papers at that time as well as more information about themes and content. Additional feedback or suggestions may also be provided. Prospective contributors should be aware we are seeking research related submissions and our publisher has requested original and previously unpublished articles.

Associate Editor, Robert Kelly and I have been inspired by the incredible scope of the international submissions received over the last several months. Clearly the creative arts in interdisciplinary practice is making an important and meaningful difference for individuals across cultures and communities worldwide. It is an honour to have the opportunity to share these topical research accounts from leaders in the field with a vital and expanding worldwide readership.

The journey continues.

Cheryl McLean, Publisher, International Journal of The Creative Arts in Interdisciplinary Practice IJCAIP

Editor, CAIP Research Series


Copies of the inaugural text in the CAIP Research Series, "Creative Arts in Interdisciplinary Practice, Inquiries for Hope and Change" are expected to be available for purchase in May.
Hear featured contributors from the text, "Creative Arts in Interdisciplinary Practice, Inquiries for Hope and Change" speak about the creative arts in interdisciplinary practice for hope and change here.

Watch for upcoming news soon about the third text in the CAIP Research Series,
"Story, Technology and Transformation"

Contact the editor for more information
Inquire about submissions, books, conference presentations...